2013年8月22日 攝氏18℃
斯洛伐克布拉提斯拉瓦 晴天
從布拉提斯拉瓦聖馬汀教堂-斯洛伐克駱駝 轉進老街,事實上布拉提斯拉瓦的老街並不大,認真說起來兩三個鐘頭就可以看完,但如果可以多花一點點時間,可以看得夠透徹。
下水道工人:Panska與Rybarska brana交叉口
Cumil Statue - Man at Work in Bratislava~~
Most Famous Statue in Bratislava~~~This statue of a man in a manhole is comical. He doesn't look like he is working; he looks like he is looking up the dresses of the women strolling the street.