2012年9月19日 攝氏12℃
瑞士伯恩(Bern) 晴時多雲
踏進中世紀石板路上,親眼看到照片無法描述的靈動,察覺這個城市帶來的小小驚喜,沒走幾步重森ㄚ被就喜歡上可愛的伯恩,而且把它列為最愛的瑞士城市!依依不捨結束伯恩(Bern)散策 ,重森ㄚ被來到Komhaus Forum keller百年榖倉餐廳,去品嘗我們的風味晚餐。
晚上在車站附近的餐廳用餐,Komhaus Forum keller是一家由百年穀倉改造、地下樓、有特色的餐廳。
Iccaboy Takami Built between 1711 and 1718, Bern’s Kornhaus is made of sandstone from Ostermundigen and is considered an outstanding example of Bernese High Baroque style. The historically and conceptually unique Kornhauskeller is open daily. The menu is basically Mediterranean inspired, while the wine list includes something for all palates and occasions. The Gallery with humidor, lounge and bar is a perfect place to linger over an aperitif. Events of all kinds are welcome!
Iccaboy Takami At the beginning of the 19th century, the situation changed dramatically. Berne lost the lucrative administrative territories. The supply of food provisions was largely privatized and the system of wages in kind for public officials - in the form of wood, grain, and wine - was subsequently abolished. Grain storage facilities lost their proper function.
After a period of diverse usage, the Kornhauskeller was leased as an ale house. Innkeepers served up cheese and sausages on long tables and passed around wine from the vast barrels standing along the side walls.
The agricultural economy continued to slide. And so it was that in 1893, architect Friedrich Schneider was given the job of redesigning the high vaulted space into a venue where festivities could be held. He installed the wooden galleries, opened up the cellar with an impressive set of stairs. Prompted by the painter, heraldist, and municipal councilman Rudolf Münger (1862-1929), the city building administration announced a competition in 1897 aimed at providing the cellar with more colorful painted decoration. Münger submitted a proposal and received the commission.
In 1998, the city began searching for a leaseholder with innovative ideas who could bring new life to the Kornhauskeller. They decided on the BINDELLA companies. ~~~~~