參觀完嘉德水道橋 天空又下起大雨 大家只好提前進入餐廳躲雨 我們預訂用餐ㄉ時間未到 大伙兒就在一樓點咖啡喝 看著外面雨中即景 等吃飯
我獨自跑到餐廳外頭露天咖啡座對面 看著廚師煮著西班牙海鮮飯(lifeㄉ) 看到搭著帳篷就知道老天爺多麼不疼我們這些天崖旅人(天公ㄚ 落水)
這家餐廳位於嘉德水道橋(Pont du Gard)景區內 加登河谷( Gardon)畔 與對岸ㄉ旅遊中心遙遙相望 不算大但建築滿典雅ㄉ 裡頭氣氛還不錯
I still have had this image in my mind. This beautiful French waitress names Megane, she is naïve, cute, young and genuine.
我還記得這位法國女服務生叫做Megane 很年輕可愛 陽光熱情 服務熱誠 毫不嬌作
She even held my hand and brought me to the kitchen. Because of her, I had a lucky chance to take a picture with the chief. Aren’t we looking cute or what!!
這個起士湯好耶 是會牽絲ㄉ那一種(對對對 就是義大利披薩餅那一種牽絲ㄉ)
Lucky trip!! My wife’s shoe was totally broken. You could not even image that a shoe could be damaged like this one.
This suddenly shoe accident was unpredictable and I didn’t know how to fix it, because we are in the middle of the forest.
Money didn’t work for this time. Fortunately, we have had Megane’s warm helping.
我們小紀那雙破鞋 在雨中南征北討 右腳那隻鞋已經開花 荒郊野外一時半刻也買不到鞋子 我請Megane幫忙
I got to admire this young Franch beauty. Suddenly her mind has jumped out one crazy idea that she has used the plastic wrap to bind and tie my wife’s shoe.
I have got to confess to her boss because she has used so many plastic wrap that must cost a lot.
真佩服她這位法國小美女 居然想出用保潔膜綑綁(他們老闆一定心疼用ㄌ那麼多ㄉ保潔膜)
Maybe next time, if you have a chance to visit Taiwan, Don’t forget, I will be your best tour guy that will amaze you.
Megane, my wife and I love you and we will always remember you.
Megane 我們愛你 永遠記得你 記得喔 有機會歡迎妳到台灣來玩 我會當你ㄉ最佳導遊
用完餐要下樓 哇 看到西班牙海鮮飯已經大功告成 料多又實在 嗯 香供供
樂隊開始演奏浪漫ㄉ拉丁旋律 感覺整個餐廳很西班牙 經查才曉得西班牙塞哥維亞Segoviaㄉ水道橋-烤乳豬-阿卡乍堡 來做姊妹市文化交流